Times New Roman IDC Compiler Handlers Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman iuSjoNqyA Times New Roman selectPage saveNewBook deleteCompile changeCursor saveNewBook Name of new book Cancel changeCursor $Common$ 7deleteCompile [fixBookScript newBook inputFile backgrounds remote deleteCompile changeCursor selectPage clear compilePages changeCursor Version C:\KEN\IDC\COMPILER\SYS136.TBK rightbuttondoubleClick B"filescripts" rightbuttondoubleClick rightbuttondoubleClick filescripts Version Interactive Document Compiler Version 1.3601 Compiler :PHYSSIZE This is a System Book used by the IDC Compiler. It has no useful independent functionality. sysSuspendMessages buttonUp buttonUp Resolution Screen resolution is 800 x 6008 filescripts ~(".",n) n & ".scr" filescripts buttonUp buttonUp filescripts File Scripts -- Standard handlers the Interactive Document Compiler -- Handlers used independently. setupWindow B"filescripts" "Version" path( & "utility.tbk" ~("\",f) filename f ~("\",f) Vi+1 -- Shared display -- VGA = 648 x 488 SVGA = 808 x 608 linkDLL "tbkwin.dll" INT HorizontalDisplayRes() VerticalDisplayRes() 2es() unlinkDLL " "Screen resolution " && h && "x" && v "Resolution" sizePage " 480 -- -- full fno title bar & no border -- -4, -24, 644, 484 -- -4, -4, 644, 484 -- -- 0, 0, 640, 480 600 -- -- centred 76, 56, 724, 544 -- screen E(h,v,640,480) d h,v,wh,wv (h-wh)/2-4 (v-wv)/2-4 -- sizes ensure that /colour still fills 12960,8640 -- 9.0 x 6.0 12960,9040 -- 9.0 x 6.0? "VGA" 9792,7200 -- 6.8 x 5.0 Error " setting up (IDC error:" && p &&")" saveNewBook 4newBook,inputFile,backgrounds,remote,destinationpath ~(".", O & " _ & "\" & ("Name "Cancel" -- Setup changeCursor "$Master$" "Label" x"$Common$" -- deleteCompile fixBookScript 4compilePages selectPage setconstants 4formats,headings,rogue, ,close,endchar,ero,refc 4note_symbol,noendreq,components 4active_tag,note_tag,dest_attr,remark_tag,para_tag,blank_tag,distractor_tag 4emphasis_tag,list_tag,item_tag 4tags,entities "amp &,lt <,gt >" tthree should be given their correct SGML names -- This a value p/can never occur standard hypertext "emp" "f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9" "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5" ,body, ,,credits, r,doc,copyright,help" & "," & & "," & localtags setoptions 4estyle,ecase,pstyle,bullet,anchorstyle,hstyle,hcase,hbefore,hafter 4resourcesindex,defaultfile, ,optionsFile "Formats" "$Options$" b & CRLF > 0 "Shell" setdefaults ~(".",f) "\" & f & ".opt" getOptions "boxed" "unchanged" "newline" "dash" ,sentence, sysErrorNumber <> 0 ~("=", "$TextOptions" saveOptions f subindex, & "/" & & "/" & & "/" & "/" & & "/" & & "/" & & "/" & "/" & & "/" & & "/" & & "/" "other" =" & x & "/" optionalhandlers, notes scores -- see enter -- Add "notetaking" "bookmarks" "$Scripts$" -- Set up --Tidy up exitnow makeNewBook 4errorcount > 0 remoteSet o,f -- optionsfile,inputfile x"*" getoptions o "$Control$" P"OK" editing itself createShell -- removes shell" H-1 -- must backwards are automatically renumbered deletepage i "d M y h24: j:sec" "Created" saveNewIDC extractFormats fbs -- creates a only ("List [* means keepFormats compiler,l, -- deletes except those Fretains be assigned 8containing 4created 1 -- Pretend we have just compiled H-1 -- x"*" xmember( minimize i,l -- equiavalent oneof() changePassword newPassword changeExitPassword IDCpassword "Old >-- wrong "New "Repeat >-- verification failed sysSuspendMessages getOptions saveNewBook saveOptions changeCursor setupWindow fixBookScript makeNewBook deleteCompile remoteSet createShell setconstants saveNewIDC deletepage extractFormats enterBook keepFormats setoptions minimize changePassword setdefaults changeExitPassword newPassword sizePage exitnow filename centre member enterBook setupWindow filescripts Version utility.tbk reader filename setupWindow tbkwin.dll HorizontalDisplayRes VerticalDisplayRes HorizontalDisplayRes VerticalDisplayRes tbkwin.dll Screen resolution is Resolution gsizePage centre sizeToPage display centre sizePage Error in setting up page (IDC error: saveNewBook filename Name of new book Cancel changeCursor $Master$ Label Label 7deleteCompile [fixBookScript newBook inputFile backgrounds remote destinationpath deleteCompile changeCursor selectPage clear compilePages setconstants amp &,lt <,gt > f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9 h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 header,body,title,caption,author,credits,date,doc,copyright,help $Master$ localtags entities emphasis_tag list_tag item_tag active_tag note_tag dest_attr remark_tag para_tag blank_tag distractor_tag note_symbol noendreq components formats headings rogue close endchar setoptions Formats $Options$ $Master$ Formats $Options$ Formats $Options$ Formats $Options$ Formats $Options$ format $Options$ Formats $Options$ Shell Shell Formats setdefaults filename getOptions resourcesindex defaultfile destinationpath optionsFile formats setdefaults boxed italic unchanged newline bold,bold,bold,underline,underline uppercase,title,sentence,sentence,sentence blank,blank,blank,blank,newline blank,newline,space,space,space anchorstyle hstyle hcase hbefore hafter estyle ecase pstyle bullet getOptions bullet $TextOptions format $Options$ hstyle hcase hbefore hafter estyle ecase pstyle bullet anchorstyle formats defaultfile resourcesindex destinationpath saveOptions other other= bullet $TextOptions$ format hstyle hcase hbefore hafter estyle ecase pstyle bullet anchorstyle resourcesindex formats defaultfile subindex destinationpath changeCursor fixBookScript notes scores notetaking notes scores scores bookmarks bookmarks $Scripts$ BookScript $Scripts$ BookScript $Scripts$ anchorstyle $Scripts$ selectPage clear pVexitnow anchorstyle optionalhandlers newBook makeNewBook saveNewBook errorcount remoteSet getoptions $Control$ buttonUp Compile makeNewBook defaultfile remote createShell Name of file for shell $Master$ deletepage d M y h24:min:sec Created $Compile$ pVexitnow saveNewIDC Name of file for new IDC pVexitnow deletepage selectPage clear extractFormats List the formats [* means all] keepFormats keepFormats Name of file to save in $Master$ member deletepage deletepage pVexitnow created compiler minimize format $Options$ member keepFormats formats member changePassword newPassword changeExitPassword newPassword newPassword IDCpassword ExitPassword Old Password New Password Repeat Password IDCpassword ExitPassword pVexitnow exitnow O+(E(E -- Standard handlers the Interactive Document Compiler -- Handlers used independently. setupWindow B"filescripts" "Version" path( & "utility.tbk" ~("\",f) filename f ~("\",f) Vi+1 -- Shared display -- VGA = 648 x 488 SVGA = 808 x 608 linkDLL "tbkwin.dll" INT HorizontalDisplayRes() VerticalDisplayRes() 2es() unlinkDLL " "Screen resolution " && h && "x" && v "Resolution" sizePage " 480 -- -- full fno title bar & no border -- -4, -24, 644, 484 -- -4, -4, 644, 484 -- -- 0, 0, 640, 480 600 -- -- centred 76, 56, 724, 544 -- screen E(h,v,640,480) d h,v,wh,wv (h-wh)/2-4 (v-wv)/2-4 -- sizes ensure that /colour still fills 12960,8640 -- 9.0 x 6.0 12960,9040 -- 9.0 x 6.0? "VGA" 9792,7200 -- 6.8 x 5.0 Error " setting up (IDC error:" && p &&")" saveNewBook 4newBook,inputFile,backgrounds,remote,destinationpath ~(".", O & " _ & "\" & ("Name "Cancel" -- Setup changeCursor "$Master$" "Label" x"$Common$" -- deleteCompile fixBookScript 4compilePages selectPage setconstants 4formats,headings,rogue, ,close,endchar,ero,refc 4note_symbol,noendreq,components 4active_tag,note_tag,dest_attr,remark_tag,para_tag,blank_tag,distractor_tag 4emphasis_tag,list_tag,item_tag 4tags,entities "amp &,lt <,gt >" tthree should be given their correct SGML names -- This a value p/can never occur standard hypertext "emp" "f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9" "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5" ,body, ,,credits, r,doc,copyright,help" & "," & & "," & localtags setoptions 4estyle,ecase,pstyle,bullet,anchorstyle,hstyle,hcase,hbefore,hafter 4resourcesindex,defaultfile, ,optionsFile "Formats" "$Options$" b & CRLF > 0 "Shell" setdefaults ~(".",f) "\" & f & ".opt" getOptions "boxed" "unchanged" "newline" "dash" ,sentence, f,rnf sysErrorNumber <> 0 xpossible load called:" && f ~("=", "$TextOptions" saveOptions f subindex, & "/" & & "/" & & "/" & "/" & & "/" & & "/" & & "/" & "/" & & "/" & & "/" & & "/" "other" =" & x & "/" optionalhandlers, notes scores -- see enter -- Add "notetaking" "bookmarks" "$Scripts$" -- Set up --Tidy up exitnow makeNewBook 4errorcount > 0 remoteSet o,f -- optionsfile,inputfile x"*" getoptions o, "$Control$" P"OK" editing itself createShell -- removes shell" H-1 -- must backwards are automatically renumbered deletepage i "d M y h24: j:sec" "Created" saveNewIDC extractFormats fbs -- creates a only ("List [* means keepFormats compiler,l, -- deletes except those Fretains be assigned 8containing 4created 1 -- Pretend we have just compiled H-1 -- x"*" xmember( minimize i,l -- equiavalent oneof() changePassword newPassword changeExitPassword IDCpassword "Old >-- wrong "New "Repeat >-- verification failed sysSuspendMessages getOptions saveNewBook saveOptions changeCursor setupWindow fixBookScript makeNewBook deleteCompile remoteSet createShell setconstants saveNewIDC deletepage extractFormats enterBook keepFormats setoptions minimize changePassword setdefaults changeExitPassword newPassword sizePage exitnow filename centre member enterBook setupWindow filescripts Version utility.tbk reader filename setupWindow tbkwin.dll HorizontalDisplayRes VerticalDisplayRes HorizontalDisplayRes VerticalDisplayRes tbkwin.dll Screen resolution is Resolution gsizePage centre sizeToPage display centre sizePage Error in setting up page (IDC error: saveNewBook filename Name of new book Cancel changeCursor $Master$ Label Label 7deleteCompile [fixBookScript newBook inputFile backgrounds remote destinationpath deleteCompile changeCursor selectPage clear compilePages setconstants amp &,lt <,gt > f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9 h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 header,body,title,caption,author,credits,date,doc,copyright,help $Master$ localtags entities emphasis_tag list_tag item_tag active_tag note_tag dest_attr remark_tag para_tag blank_tag distractor_tag note_symbol noendreq components formats headings rogue close endchar setoptions Formats $Options$ $Master$ Formats $Options$ Formats $Options$ Formats $Options$ Formats $Options$ format $Options$ Formats $Options$ Shell Shell Formats setdefaults filename getOptions resourcesindex defaultfile destinationpath optionsFile formats setdefaults boxed italic unchanged newline bold,bold,bold,underline,underline uppercase,title,sentence,sentence,sentence blank,blank,blank,blank,newline blank,newline,space,space,space anchorstyle hstyle hcase hbefore hafter estyle ecase pstyle bullet getOptions It is not possible to load the options file called: bullet $TextOptions format $Options$ hstyle hcase hbefore hafter estyle ecase pstyle bullet anchorstyle formats defaultfile resourcesindex destinationpath saveOptions other other= bullet $TextOptions$ format hstyle hcase hbefore hafter estyle ecase pstyle bullet anchorstyle resourcesindex formats defaultfile subindex destinationpath changeCursor fixBookScript notes scores notetaking notes scores scores bookmarks bookmarks $Scripts$ BookScript $Scripts$ BookScript $Scripts$ anchorstyle $Scripts$ selectPage clear pVexitnow anchorstyle optionalhandlers newBook makeNewBook saveNewBook errorcount remoteSet getoptions $Control$ buttonUp Compile makeNewBook defaultfile remote createShell Name of file for shell $Master$ deletepage d M y h24:min:sec Created $Compile$ pVexitnow saveNewIDC Name of file for new IDC pVexitnow deletepage selectPage clear extractFormats List the formats [* means all] keepFormats keepFormats Name of file to save in $Master$ member deletepage deletepage pVexitnow created compiler minimize format $Options$ member keepFormats formats member changePassword newPassword changeExitPassword newPassword newPassword IDCpassword ExitPassword Old Password New Password Repeat Password IDCpassword ExitPassword pVexitnow exitnow